The company has been successfully developing the service maintenance of foreign-made gas pumping units and gas turbine engines, replacing the services of foreign enterprises operating in Russia. Additionally, LLC «CenterEngineering» ensures the supply and localization of spare parts production within the territory of Russia.

LLC «CenterEngineering» provides engineering and technological support for projects related to the design, operation, service maintenance, and repair of equipment used in gas pumping units and gas turbine power plants, as well as gas turbine engines.
Our notion is to offer an individualized approach to each project
Our aim is to ensure customer satisfaction with the quality, timelines, and cost of the proposed solutions.
Our mission is to create high-tech and energy-efficient equipment to meet the needs of the fuel and energy complex.
The company's expansion and the transition of top specialists from leading engineering bureaus of major engine manufacturing enterprises have led to the establishment of a separate division focusing on the creation of modern energy-efficient blocks and systems for gas pumping units and gas turbine power plants of various capacities ranging from 4 to 25 MW. The company also specializes in the modernization of existing facilities in the oil and gas industry through a comprehensive restoration and repair program.
In collaboration with LLC «Gasopodgotovka», the company has successfully executed the following projects:
- Development of centrifugal compressor block units for a unified 16-25 MW GPU.
- Design, manufacturing, and installation of centrifugal compressor block units for the strategic «Power of Siberia» gas pipeline.
- Modernization and production of material components for AL-31ST gas turbine units for the «Bovanenkovo NGKM» and «Power of Siberia» gas facilities.
- As part of import substitution programs, performing the modernization of C-25SD GPU by replacing the DU-80L1 gas turbine with the PS-90GP25 gas turbine.
- Execution of a comprehensive modernization project for the gas pumping unit GPA-C-25NK-R.S at the «Arskaya» compressor station of LLC «Gazprom Transgaz Kazan» including the potentially productive AL-41ST-25 gas turbine engine developed by ODK.
In collaboration with «Gasopodgotovka» LLC, the company has successfully implemented projects for the development, manufacturing, and supply of essential technological equipment for compressor stations, including:
- Fuel gas preparation systems for gas pumping units.
- Stationary units for fuel, buffer, and impulse gas preparation.
- Gas filters-separators.
- Air receivers.
- Air preparation system for GTU and magnetic bearings of centrifugal compressors.
- Automation units for GPU.
- Automatic gas distribution station.
The design bureau (LLC «CenterEngineering») was established based on the facilities of LLC «Gasopodgotovka», located in Saratov. This bureau specializes in the development of gas processing and distribution units for sites within the fuel and energy complex of Russia.